Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The End

I probably should have done this a long time ago, but...

It's over. The end of Ecliptic Times. Thanks for all the readers who stuck with me this whole time, and to all the people who kept coming back for the study guides, and for all the people who left comments. This helped me develop a style and see what doing things like this was like. No promises, but there is a possibility of me starting this again next year, with all the missed updates and lame humor that you've come to expect. Once again, thank all of you... and see you next year!

A list of special thanks...

Justin Vu for running another awesome site, helping with the study guides, and even doing a lot of the study guides. He was also there for feedback and didn't hesitate to give his opinion. Thanks!

Joseph Ou for being the first to comment, for always reading, and for helping out with the first few study guides. Though we disagreed on some matters, he still deserves a thanks for all he has done.

Terry Tsai for being one of the most vocal regarding the study guides. Your comments helped a lot.

Vanessa Nguyen for also talking to me about the issue and helping out some with the study guides.

Viet Nguyen for being a pretty cool guy in general.

Iris Zhou gets a big thanks! She continously helped with advertising when a study guide went up and let me know if there were any glaring mistakes. She is one of the main reasons that the site spread as much as it did.

Andrew Van for helping out the most with study guide answers that were wrong. He'd be like "Dude this is wrong" and I'd be like "Oh snap! You're right!" And I'd curl into a ball on the floor, crying due to my shame at posting such a wrong answer. And Andy would sit at his computer, quietly shaking his head at my failures.

Christine Nguyen for being both a valuable resource and corrector as well as my bestest buddy!

And finally Heidi, Lordesa, Elyas, Teghpreet, Kelly, and Jordan for taking the time to hit that subscribe button.

Remember, you can still see my occasional musings over here.

That's it, thanks everyone, and see you next year!

Ecliptichero (Dylan)