Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Scarlet Letter Vocab List.

To Everyone in Ms. Conradson's Honors English Class: Here is a list of all the vocab words that will be on the vocab test, condensed into one simple page! Enjoy. Either copy and paste into a word doc or talk to me on AIM (Ecliptichero) for a download.

Utopia: Ideal place

Edifice: Building

Congenial: Agreeable

Malefactresses: Ill-doers (female)

Haughty: Prideful

Ignominy: Shame (No Name)

Iniquity: Wickedness

Irks: Irritates

Writhing: Twisting

Hypocrisy: Pretense

Demeanor: Manner

Lurid: Redly glowing

Efficacy: Effectiveness

Feigned: Pretended

Retribution: Punishment

Paramour: Lover

Purge: Cleanse

Martyr: Sufferer

Callous: Hard

Emaciated: Wasted away

Melancholy: Gloomy

Veneration: Reverance

Penance: Punishment

Penitence: Sorrow for sin

Acquiescing: Yielding

Consecration: Sacredness

Stigma: Stain

Subjugated: Conquered