Ok ok. I know I made a grand exit over to Livejournal, but I just can't bring myself to leave here. After all, I'd pretty much be abandoning everybody, wouldn't I? So I'll continue posting stuff here, but you can also go view it over at my Livejournal mirror. Anyway, here's the study guide!
Note: The questions on the review are the exact questions on the test. If you study every one, you should have absolutely no problems on the test itself.
1. China and Vietnam differed from other nations of the Third World because they had to deal with challenges like underdevelopment, overpopulation, poverty, and environmental degradation in the midst of the collapse of the civilized life each had followed for years. This caused them to embark on full-scale revolutions. Also, they derived few benefits from Europeans and already had a strong sense of identity.
2. The American occupation govt. of Japan was headed by General Douglas MacArthur.
3. Americans in Japan disbanded military forces, decentralized the police, and released political prisoners. Overall, they tore down the wartime postmilitary structure. In addition, they pressed for democratization by encouraging labor unions, giving women the vote, and abolishing shintoism. They also had several economic reforms, such as breaking up landed estates, and dissolving the holdings of the zaibatsu. Finally, they instituted a new constitution.
4. Into the 1990s, the govt. in Japan was monopolized by the Liberal Democratic Party.
5. The American occupation came to an end in 1952.
6. The restoration of an independent Korea was complicated because the Soviets had occupied it during WWII. This led to the creation of two sides, the Republic of Korea in the south (led by the Americans), and the People's Democratic Republic of Korea (led by the Soviets in the north).
7. The political leader of the PDRoK (north) was Kim Il-Sung.
8. The first leader of the RoK (south) was Syngman Rhee.
9. In 1953, the conflict between N and S Korea stabilized with the signing of an armistice.
10. The US troops who helped S Korea in the war were led by General MacArthur. (the same guy who was in Japan)
11. Following the Korean War, Korea continued its dual pattern of deveolpment. In the north, there was an isolated version of one-man rule. THe Soviet liberalization in the late 1980s changed little. In the south, there was an authoritarian ruler and US occupation. US occupation decreased, however, and the military took over in 1961 along with some economic change.
12. An autocratic govt. was established in Taiwan in 1948 by Chiang Kai-Shek.
13. Long after WWII, Hong Kong remained a European colony.
14. Singapore remained a large British naval base until 1971.
15. After 1955, the Japanese political system was democratic. It was led by the Liberal Democratic party, had no experience with shifts in party administration, and the emphasis lay in conservative stability.
16. The only weakness of the LDP in the 1980s was the corruption of numerous democratic leaders.
17. The Western label that was applied to the close coordination pf Japanese govt. and business for promotion of economic growth and export expansion was "Japan, Incorporated."
18. Um... this is kind of hard to answer, as no options are given. The features of govt. involvement in Japanese industry were educational expansion, foreign policy, distinctive labor policis, and management. (Not really sure if these are govt. involvement, but the book doesn't give much to go on)
19. Postwar era, Japanese culture. Women stayed mostly in homes, bouts of heavy drinking were used to recieve tension, honor was placed foremost, a growing fascination with sports such as baseball emerged, and the young began to challenge the veneration of the old.
20. Do the teachers actually read the questions on this? Answer: no. The factors of the growth were: workers organized in company unions that stressed labor-management cooperation. Company policies provided important benefits to employees, including lifetime employment. The labor force appeared to be less class-conscious and individualistic than in the West. Management demonstrated group consciousness and followed a collective decision-making process that sacrificed quick personal profits. (pretty much the same as #18)
21. After 1950, Japan's distinctive economic culture was rapid economic growth, becoming one of the top three economic powers in the world. Japanese manufacturers were known for volume and quality.
22. ... How am I supposed to know? The differences between women were that while in the West women began to move out of the house and into the workforce, in Japan they stayed mainly traditionally domestic.
23. In 1980, Japan invested serious money in teaching chopsticks.
24. The other nation besides Japan that was an example of economic dynamism was South Korea.
25. Between 1960-1980, the most typical leadership was military.
26. Ok, I don't even care about the questions themselves anymore. After 1950, Korean economic growth was the primary emphasis. They built huge industrial forms, and excelled in many markets.
27. Two of the biggest Korean corporations are Daewoo and Hyundai.
28. In 1978, the US govt. severed diplomatic ties with the Taiwanese regime.
29. Taiwan's greatest trade partner is Japan.
30. The Chinese Communist takeover was more peaceful than the Bolshevik, at least in terms of internal fighting. It took place following another war, and the Communists gained the popular opinion.
31. During the 1950s and 1960s, Chinese foreign policy was one of foreign suppression and military involvement.
32. During the 1950s and 1960s, Chinese domestic policies included a Stalinist five-year plan and Mao's Mass Line approach, aimed at stopping elitist trends.
33. Mao's economic program in 1958 was the Great Leap Forward. Industrialization would be pushed through domestically, with"backyard" furnaces and the like. All aspects of the members would be monitored. This program failed, and actually moved China backwards.
34. China responded to its population problem in the mid-1960s by promoting birth control and abortion and by limiting the children families could have to two or one (depending on where you lived)
35. By 1960, Mao lost his position as state chairman because of the failure of the Great Leap. It was lost to the pragmatists.
36. The pragmatists that came to power were Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqui, and Deng Xiaoping.
37. The Chinese Communist Party favored women, as the Nationalists wanted to keep them domestic, and Mao's own wife Jiang Qing played an increasingly important role.
38. Mao's last campaign, launched in 1965, was the Cultural Revolution.
39. The "Gang of Four" were Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen. They battled for power against Mao.
40. During the 1980s, the Chinese govt. was open to the West and capitalist development, farming communities were discontinued, private peasant production was encouraged, and private enterprise was promoted in the industrial sector.
41. In 18th C Vietnam, the French involvement became distinctly political as a result of power struggles throughout the nation.
42. The outcome of the 18th C Vietnam rebellion was the and the toppling of the Nguyen dynasty and the beginning of the Trinh dynasty.
43. By the 1890s, all of Vietnam was under French control.
44. The early nationalist organization in Vietnam was similar to the other Third World Nations because they both had rulers from the highest landlord classes that did not represent the wishes of the people.
45. The Communist-dominated nationalist movement in Vietnam during WWII was the Viet Minh.
46. The Vietnamese nationalists decisively defeated the French in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu!
Ok, so one study guide is good, two study guides are better, and reading the book is the best study guide of all. Read the book, and/or go here for Justin's Review. It is, quite possibly, better than mine.
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