Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ecliptic Times Chapter 23 Study Guide

Courtesy of me and Joseph.

Chapter 23 Study Guide
1.Enlightenment thinkers challenged regimes that did not grant full religious freedom and challenged those that insisted on aristocratic privilege. As an example, Jean-Jaques Rousseau argued for government based on a democracy.
Europe’s population after 1730 exploded; for example, French population rose by 50% within half a century, Britain and Prussia rose by 100%.
The proletariat was the working class of society, and were growing more restricted, as upper class families attempted to tighten their grips on existing offices. This produced a demand for change.
Protoindustrialization was a rapid expansion of domestic manufacturing in western Europe and later, the United States. This new development involved hundreds of thousands of workers who became part time or full time producers of textile and metal products
Urbanization resulted in many villagers beginning to change their dress into more urban styles, parental authority declined, and youthful independence became more marked; possible political implications from a new defiance of authority emerged.
The American Revolution was the result of a large minority of American colonists who resisted Britain’s attempt to impose new taxes and trade controls on the colonies after 1763. Many colonists also resented restrictions on movement into the frontier areas.
7.The American Constitution was created in 1789.
8. A. Factors why the French Revolution came into place were: Ideological insistence on change won increasing attention from mid 18th C.E. onward, as Enlightenment thinkers urged the need to limit the powers of Catholic church, the Aristocracy, and the Monarchy. Social changes reinforced this challenge. Some middle class, proud of their business or professional success, wanted a greater political role. Peasants, pressed on by population growth, wanted more freedom from their landlord’s demands.
B. The French revolution began in 1789

C. On July 14, rioters stormed a political prison named the Bastille; became the revolution’s symbol

9.Lasting reforms resulting from the French Revolution were: manorialism was abolished, privileges of the church attacked, and individual rights, including freedom of religion, press, and property, introduced.

10.The radical phase was a period after 1792 in which a firmer authority was pushed by radical leaders; great bloodthirst happened during this period, and it was nicknamed “the Reign of Terror.”

11.The final phase of the French Revolution was brought by Napoleon Bonaparte, a leading general who converted the revolutionary republic into an authoritarian empire.

12.Napoleon was defeated by the Russian winter in 1812, and by an alliance system made by Britain who defeated him in 1814 and 1815.

13.The Revolution spread key revolutionary legislation, the idea of equality under the law and the attack on privileged institutions such as aristocracy, church, and craft guilds.

14.The Congress of Vienna involved many territorial arrangements, such as giving Britain several colonial territories, and letting Russia maintain its hold over Poland. As well as this, attempts were made to restore French monarchy, and to link Europe’s major powers in defense of churches and kings.

15.Ideas of liberals included looking for ways to limit state interference in individual life and urged representation of propertied people in government. They touted the importance of constitutional rule and protection for freedoms of religion, press, and assembly.

16.Socialism urged an attack on private property in the name of equality and an end to capitalist exploitation of workers.

17.In 1820, the nationalist Greek Revolution allowed Greece to secede against Ottoman rule; this was a key step to dismantling the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. In 1830, the Belgian Revolution produced a liberal regime and a newly independent nation.

18.The Reform Bill of 1832 was a bill passed by Britain under pressure of popular agitation; it gave the parliamentary vote to most middle class men.

19. After industrialization, the many more people moved and lived in the cities, where they could find work.
20. 66%
21. Discovered germs
22. Groups of workers who banded together; wanted more rights
23. After 1850, conservatives srtove to develop reoforms that would save elements of the old regime, including power for the landed aristocracy and the monarchy.
24. British politician: granted the vote to working class men in 1858
25. Architect of Italian unification in 1858; created a constitutional Italian monarchy under the King of Piedmont
26. Conservative prime minister of Prussia; architect of German unification under the Prussian king in 1871; used liberal reforms to maintain stability.
27. Following 1870, gov'ts introduced civil service exams based on skill, schooling expanded, and wider welfare measures were taken
28. The proletariat would rise up against the bourgouise (sp?). History was based around struggles between groups out of power and groups that manufactured.
29. Germany
30. Argued against Marx, said success could be achieved by democratic means.
31. Science: experimentation and facts Art: romanticism; abstract
32. Developed thoery of evolution of species; made church lose power in debates
33. US has special niche in world due to origin and politics
34. Did not expand to Asia, Middle East
35. Originally convict colony
36. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy- instead, they were part of the Triple Alliance
37. Balkan nationalism originally threatened Austria and Russia.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Volume IV, Issue II

Ecliptic Times:
The Life, Times, and Happenings of the Sophomores of MHS
Volume IV, Issue II
The Amazing Edition

Awesome Person of the Week
Justin Vu, for being the first one to beat FENCE OR SEWER and the first to beat HAUNTED HOUSE PT 1: THE HOUSE!

Paper News. News that you can use.
Once a week, twice a week... we'll see what I can do.
Gonna make a few changes to the overall structure of the paper.
  • Contributors (awesome people) will be changed to Awesome Person of the Week. I'll select one awesome person, point out why they're awesome, and put you at the top of the paper!
  • Taking out Bragger's Box unless someone specifically brags to me.
  • Best Quotes Heard on Campus will periodically switch out with Band Names N' Things and maybe one other category.
  • Rants and Raves: Seeing as how this section has saved a life (and at least one person's grades), It'll stick around for some time to come.
  • Interview is gone until I have one.

School Life
It always seems I update on RALLY days. Actually, despite my usual caustic remarks, I have to admit this one wasn't really that bad. It was only marginally bad. The sports were stupid, but the dancing was a step above usual. Maybe I just liked the song choices. Or maybe it was because three teachers sat in front of me and SHHed every time I said something while the MCs were talking, thus forcing me to behave myself a bit more and to actually pay attention. Either ways, we will see if we get as lucky with the next rally(s). ((For another view, take a look at Justin's Blog))
Fence or Sewer? This is the question you will be asked if you choose to take part in the new game craze sweeping the school. Seek ME out if you wish to play this SELF-CREATED adventure game to its conclusion, or Justin Vu if you wish to only play the first part. Bring patience pills... this game is infuriating (also hilarious).
Hautboy Dance, Hautboy High-five For your sake, find me of Jeremy Westover. Do it now, or regret it FOREVER. You will never know what it is, and live your life in torment, thinking "Why didn't I ever find out what the Hautboy Dance is? Now I will never know! NOOOOOOO!!!" Or something.

Grats to Mirrorman for winning the random quote recognizing contest. You have won 5 DOLLARS.

New contest. This one will be run (ran?) a bit differently. You will have to the end of February to think of ....

Im in ur ________ ________ing ur ________.

You can submit one anytime, and the best will be judged by ME (and maybe someone else if I can't decide. Here are some examples for all of you still going "Huh??????????" with maybe even more question marks than that.

Past Changing Future
Brain Losing Game
House Playing EPIC BATTLE.

Stuff like that. You can submit just the three words, or the whole phrase. However you want to win that MONAY (*snap snap*). Reward will be five dollars.

Distractions. Links for the procrastinators.
Today I would like to point you in the direction of some cool stuff happenings around the Internet that you MAY or MAY NOT be aware of.
  • I have a Twitter now! Follow me (Ecliptichero) and stalk the living daylights out of me and other stuff too as I post life-altering, philosophical messages such as "I am sorry for my fish" Ohhhh yeahhh. (Puts on sunglasses on backflips away)
  • Justin's blog, the Hall of Mirrors! He updates WAY more often than I do, so if you're looking for some alliterational (?) titles or just wanna see what crazy shenanigans this silly guy is up to, check it out! He is doing stuff such as reading EVERY SINGLE DINOSAUR COMIC EVER. (Good luck with that, bro.)
Story Time
I am spending the time writing my REAL story.
When (and if) I finish, I will post it up for everyone to enjoy.

Band Names N' Things
All by me. Bolded ones are ones I like. Prettyweird Pictures is by Justin.
  • Poison Control
  • Prison Control
  • Relic
  • Infinite Sigma
  • Instant Classic
  • Cameraman
  • Sylaam Parity
  • Overflow
  • Infinite Skeletons
  • Ballista
  • Paper to Steel
  • Blacksleeves
  • Ism
  • Fake Freshmen
  • Prettyweird Pictures
  • Fake Fist
Rants and Raves
This week's rant: The Math Homework by me!

It is not easy at all guys. This kind of stuff is crazyimpossible, and instead of going over it Ms. Tseng assigns us evens AND a WS? Now don't get me wrong, Ms. Tseng is awesome. But really? When will we EVER need to know this in the real world? Is some random guy going to come up and say, "Hey buddy, I got this cone in a bowl, see, and I'm looking for someone who can tell me how fast it's filling up when this here radius, see, is 5 cm. Thanks, buddy."?? Actually, that would be pretty hilarious, seeing a cone in a bowl and all that crazyness. Heh heh... I like that guy.

- E-Hero


AP World Study Guide
Here ya go!

Closing Thoughts
The more things change, the more things stay the same.



Friday, January 15, 2010

Volume IV, Issue I

Ecliptic Times:
The Life, Times, and Happenings of the Sophomores of MHS
Volume IV, Issue I
Back in action

Contributors (Awesome People)
Can I just take this feature out?

Paper News. News that you can use.
Hee hee... updating every day. You didn't think I actually meant that, did you? I'll try for once a week, and that's all I'll promise.

School Life
Now that finals are FINALly over, we can all have a bit of a break. Remember to pick up your schedule on the Tuesday back if you have any class changes. I don't even know if we have to do that, actually. Maybe Schlaff said something about it? Anyway...
No school on Monday. You all know anyone, but just reminding you.
I feel kinda bad about posting this, but just in case the people I talked to forgot...
673 Hamilton Ave, 12-6 on Sunday.
If you know what I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about. If you don't please ignore it.

Bragger's Box (Me!)
89.47% AP World Final
92.14% Span III Final
94% Chem Final
Everyone is tied. Whoever gets this one Wins!
Also, reposting this in case you didn't see it or forgot.
  • With only one person, all money goes to him.
  • With two people, the money is divided evenly without anyone getting more. For example, if Jim and Joe both have the same number of points in the 5$ contest, they'd both get 2$ with 1$ left over.
  • With three people, follow the same rules for two people. If Jim, Joe, and Jake all have the same number of points, they'd each get 1$ with 2$ left over.
  • All left over money from a contest goes into the next contest's pool. So if a bunch of people tie, the next contest would be really big!
Anyway, keep those guidelines in mind so your not all "OMG I WON WEARS MY 5$ OMGOMGOMG" or whatever you people do in those situations.

Distractions. Links for the procrastinators.
I'm actually posting something seriously today, so pay attention.

Short Story Contest

You can read the full PDF there if you're interested, but basically.....

Milpitas Arts is having a contest for new writers. Write a short story, less than 2000 words, enter it online, and potentially win 1000$. I plan on writing my story this weekend, but I just thought I'd let the people who read this know about it. This is the real deal here guys. Also, I'll post my story when I finish it. Stories are due by Feb. 1st. If you're entering, good luck, and if you're not, wish me luck!

Story Time
Chapter One, part 5
"Jaroa. Jaroa, can you hear me?"
"Jaroa...wake up! Hurry, Jaroa!"
...Who was calling him?
"Jaroa... it's here! There's no time!"
He opened his eyes. Everything was fuzzy. "D-Danny?"
A quick slap from his sister cleared his vision.
"It's DanielaRGH!"
"Danielargh? What are you talking about, sis? Sis?"
But Daniela was gone. Jaroa took a moment to see what was around him. He was a a corridor made of metal. Behind him it stretched into a fork, and in front... his sister and two others were fighting for their lives. What's going on? he thought. Then, as he watched, head still pounding, a spike impaled one of the humans. "Phyl!" shouted the other, and with blind fury charged the beast. But to no avail. The man was sent reeling backwards with a smack from a silvery, iridescent fist and hit the wall, blood already oozing from his skull.
"Run, Jaroa!" Daniela yelled to him. Jaroa, filled with terror, didn't second guess his sister. But something about the glimpse of the creature had seemed odd. He turned to get a better look... and was shoved roughly by his sister. "Keep going!" she cried. "There's no way we can beat her!"
Her? Jaroa wondered. "Go! And don't look back!"
They ran.

Best Quotes Heard on Campus
"We're in the future of the past"
"366 Rattlesnakes"
"Sylaam Parity"
"Thanh = math Jesus" (Yes, Thanh Tran)
"I'll see you in Istanbul!" (Spoken to Ms. Bielski)
All of these, by the way, are by me.

Rants and Raves
This week's rant: Grades by me!
For the first time in my life, I have gotten a B+ in school. Grrrrr, you're probably thinking, I always get B's and stuff. But for me, you have to understand, this came as a shock. I grew accustomed to easy classes, and became sure I could just breeze my way through the course. Reality check much? I probably failed/D'd five tests at the beginning of the year, at least. "No big deal" I thought. I'll bounce back. But guess what? I DIDN'T. The only way I see it, this is totally my fault. BUT...... what I can do is work harder, study more, and read the chapter one more time. I'm not happy with myself for failing, but it just means I have to work harder now. This is also a message for those who may feel the same way I do; put the work in, get good grades, and the one who will feel the best is you.
- E-Hero

None this week . Working on one for next.

AP World Study Guide
Will start this back up next issue.

Closing Thoughts
This was a pretty epic issue, all in all.
This will totally be my closing thought for every issue.


I don't wanna battle from beginning to end,
I don't wanna cycle or recycle revenge,
I don't wanna follow Death and all of his friends.

(Name of the album in English)